Notice to Doncaster Council: No more Secret Hearings!

Advocating The Rule of Law in the Public Interest:

Doncaster MBC

FAO: ‘il’legal and ‘un’democratic dept


There is no lawful justification for secret hearings in the courts, and speaking from my own first-hand experience, they are having an adverse affect on my daughter and me.

I believe these secret courts are illegal and by going along with it means that I am in contempt of court.   How can I be expected to betray my daughter by attending a secret hearing which is acting totally against her welfare and best interests? By doing so, I am agreeing to protect paedophiles and attacking the innocent like my daughter and me:  do not ever ask me to do this again!

I will be at the court on the 25th July, but I will not go in unless my fellow citizens come in with me, and witness in open court, the entire Proceedings which are clearly in the Public Interest.  The Public are the only truly independent and  qualified stewards and peers who are fit to give due regard to the destiny of my daughter and myself (and all others like us).

The Courts are OUR COURTS, the people’s courts, that we all pay for.  I will not let my daughter down any more and the Public need to see how you twist, collude and confuse the course of Justice.  Not just this, but how you wickedly meddle and wreck people’s lives, through your criminal interference.

My daughter needs me to rescue her and I cannot do that whilst you are fixing hearings out of sight of Public Interest. I will not betray my own flesh and blood. I will not play on your terms any more.  I have witnessed with horror how you distort the Truth for your own money- and power-driven agenda.

I require no less than full and open disclosure, nothing to hide, no dark secrets, no obfuscation, no concealment of evidence, no deflection from Truth. I now insist that you all show your face and your ways to the world. Let the world see what you are up to and be assured that they will be as disgusted with you charlatans as I am.

Child protection? Let the world decide whether you are protecting children or using them as commodities for your sick jobs and letting them be exposed to dangerous individuals. Let the world decide, if you are abusing your power which is totally illegal in our democratic society.

Your undercover crimes will be tolerated no more. You need the light of day to shine into your faces and let’s see you wither and die – and fade away to oblivion.

You have made money from my daughter for years and you have failed to protect her and what’s more have FED HER TO THE LIONS.  You have recklessly exposed her to a paedophile or paedophiles and gone out of your way to subvert the facts on this case. Not only have you placed her in an unsafe environment and frightened her little soul repeatedly, but at the same time destroyed my daughter’s right to her family life. WHO DO YOU ALL THINK YOU ARE?

There will be a riot caused from this, if you do not right your wrongs. Give me back my daughter whom you have stolen in broad daylight, by trickery and unlawfulness.  Your wicked collusion with the Police is a public scandal and is vehemently opposed.

As I promised, my ARMY is bigger than yours. We are many, you are few. I stand for Principle and for Truth, where you rely on illegality, unethical and unfounded “injunctions” and heinous “gagging orders” against Truth.  Conflict and lies have become your oxygen.  You have provoked, harrassed, antagonised and played mind games with me for too long. It has been a battle of one person and a child against a  group of bullies in it for money and you may have won the battles so far, BUT THE PUBLIC WILL WIN THE WAR, have no doubt about that!

May I take this opportunity to thank the Public for all their support.  And let me be clear:  this stand that I am taking is not only for my daughter and myself, but for ALL those mothers and fathers who are being oppressed in a similar unlawful manner!

Yours succeedingly

Vicky Haigh

About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem:
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19 Responses to Notice to Doncaster Council: No more Secret Hearings!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I wish you all the justice you deserve, we are legion!

  2. Anonymous says:

    We are behind you,

  3. Mike: Thomas says:

    Well said Vicky! Time to take the real criminals down! This has gone on too long and it’s time we all stood up to be counted. COUNT ME IN!

    All the best Vicky
    Mike: Thomas

  4. Anonymous says:

    yet another disgusting story concerning a child, these satanic bastards will rot in hell, We must ALL stick together we are many, they are few, and the sooner the sleepy public wake up and realise this the better. Hold your head up high, and let them sick bastards hang their heads in shame.Good luck and God bless

  5. Alex says:

    Dear Vicky,
    I wish you all the love and justice that you truly deserve. Your courage is outstanding.

  6. Unfortunately, it would appear that children reporting sexual assault is punishable by the Family Court not only in the UK but the US and Australia. It has crept around the world like a cancer. There needs to be a world wide forum on the conduct of Family Courts. The Family Court should never judge cases of violence and sexual assault, they are not equipped or qualified to do so There should be a separate tribunal of qualified expert to decide and advise the Family Court to the civil standard of proof ‘more likely than not’ that the child has been abused. This is about removing children from harm not about putting people in Jail.

    Maurice Kriss
    Barrister at Law

    • maurice kriss i am too in such a place many proffessional stating my child was sexually abused by a father whom we found had a serious running record on children armed robbery and so many years of violent crime after many many years of court cases i lost all custody because i fought for the courts to recognise the truth instead my babes and i were punnished gagged and yet they still scream out to be heard now i have not seen them for 45 days, i have nightmares am stressed accused of coaching yet it was not me that ever made the allergationd doctors child sexual abuse unit doctors, court appointed daycare director, court appointed supervisors now i know not of my children at the hands of this man, parental alienation legal abuse by a system and unable to go to media as thru family court and legislation they are prohibited to report injunctions to protect him docs ignorance yet my children still scream out, they cannot tell the teachers at school for they now attend my xxx,s foster mothers school they travel 240kms a week to school and back no concrete evidence on me at all in fact the total oppiste a loving warm caring mum who has evidence that was witheld by a so called icl for the children, so the judge knows none of its existance if he did then my x would not see the children again. ive had no contact with my children or my x for 45 days last week i am served with a vro intrim how can this be why is he continuing to abuse us. no legal funding my family and i have spent close too $100,000 dollars yet the judge refuses to look at all our evidence and takes his and his foster mums affidavids as gosple what do you do, ptsd yes very much so or just a warm loving caring once happy mum now living a real life horror along with her children terrifyed now to even speak as they see noone they can trust anymore and after telling as my boy says no one listens anyway how fast they learn he is 8 years old and terrifyed too. God is the only one left to help us as money talks, and we have no more they dooo. the laws only destroy children its not at all about the childs best intrests not at allll.

  7. André says:

    Well said vicky,
    The judicial system makes me sick, not only in the UK, but also in Germany, where I currently live and work. There is no justice. Get the mittens on, dear, and fight like BLOODY HELL against them for your daughter´s sake.

    God bless and take care, you can´t loose for both your sakes.

    • Dear Andre,
      I noticed your words “BLOODY HELL”.
      I AGREE with you and think that there is something DEMONIC about the CONTINUED persecution of Families. I do not deny that there are many gunuine cases where children should be protected. BUT. As far as I am concerned CORRUPT DEMONIC principles are causing so many DECENT FAMILIES to lose their children through CORRUPTION.

  8. Pingback: Vicky sacks the “guardian” of her daughter; we need “McKenzie Angels” as “Public Guardian Angels” « Vicky Haigh: requesting her daughter to return

  9. Pingback: Ending the tyranny of Secret Family Courts and Social Care « Vicky Haigh: requesting her daughter to return

  10. SO ALL of us the ABUSED FAMILIES by the STATE who have tried all means to get our cases LISTENED to.
    Can ANYBODY tell me of ANY COUNCIL (SOCIAL SERVICE) and THEIR JUDICIAL FRIENDS to come out into the open and DEFEND themselves from so MANY accusations of their CORRUPTION.
    Without FEAR, I ACCUSE Walsall Council with its Social Service of CORRUPTION.

    A question. Does anybody on this site ever inform the relevant Council of our posts.

    Could someone please do this for me to a Pauline Pilkington, Gill Ross, Ann Hughes, Garnet Grey and Angela Hudson. These VILE |THINGS have much to answer for. Please include another LIAR fro CAFCASS called Curtis Griffin.

    DECENCY challenges each of YOU.

    • Dear Phil

      I can only publish this site because I’m in Germany, outside the jurisdiciton of the UK. I have had 3 gagging orders presented by Swansea and Doncaster Council. I don’t think it’s up to me to either challenge them or to write to other councils.

      Everybody has their own way and style of supporting “cases” and “causes”. It’s certainly a good idea to exposes local councils and to make them aware of being published. For negative publicity is what they fear most. That’s for sure.

  11. Another QUESTION. can anyone tell me why nearly 90% of MPs are silent on this matter of the INJUSTICE by Social Services.. Letters from many of US the ABUSED FAMILIES do not merit a courtesied postcard in reply. I could name them. I would inform ALL of US. That a PROTOCOL CAN ALWAYS be overridden by a request to the SPEAKER So we CAN approach ANY MP. Consider that they vote in Parliament for ALL of us.

  12. I’m sure you’re right, Phil!

    I just have seen lots of emails that say ‘strict parliamentary protocol’ only to deal with their own constituents.

    In the end, it’s, of course, up to the individual!

  13. Pingback: Doncaster Council was told ‘children will die’ – Newsnight programme of 5 March 2009 « Vicky Haigh: requesting her daughter to return

  14. Pingback: Vicky Haigh Fights For Her Daughter

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